Welcome to the first edition of the Sheriff’s Foundation Newsletter – The Dispatch! Since 1999, the Sheriff’s Foundation has been serving Broward County in the areas of Anti-Terrorism, BSO Training, and Crime Prevention. The Sheriff’s Foundation exists to create channels of education, understanding and cooperation between the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Broward County.
Today, we start a new era of service introducing new Civic Education initiatives designed to bring our citizens and BSO closer together. With the creation of the Sheriff’s Foundation Academy and the Sheriff’s Foundation Classroom, we strive to educate our citizens about the training and challenges faced by law enforcement and fire rescue personnel. Also new this year – annual corporate sponsorships, family memberships, and individual memberships. This grassroots support will enable us to continue building a bridge between BSO and those it serves.
You and the Sheriff’s Foundation – Stronger Together!
Juan Carlos Arias, Esq,
Sheriff’s Foundation of Broward