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Become A Sponsor
Foundation Champion $25,000 Donation
Benefits included:
- Large commemorative Foundation Champion Sculpture presented by the Sheriff at an exclusive reception
- Prominent Foundation Champion Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo and link to the Sponsor’s commercial website
- Foundation Champion Sponsorship recognition with prominent large logo in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- Headline Sponsor of the Broward Mental Health Summit (September, 2023) and includes:
- Exhibitor Table
- Prominent Sponsorship recognition in event-dedicated website with Sponsor’s logo and link to the
Sponsor’s commercial website - Full page/full color ad in the Event Program Booklet
- Sponsorship recognition with sponsor’s logo on giant screen during event
- Sponsor’s mention in credits of the event video
- Gold Sponsor of the 4th Annual A K-9 Cause (April, 2024) and includes:
- 10 Tickets to the Evening of Art
- Full page ad in event program’s inside or back cover
- Sponsor logo in all event promotions
- Sponsor name included in all press releases
- Sponsor logo in in all email blasts
- $5,000 value for magazine advertising and promotion
- Sponsor logo in event slideshow
- Sponsor name announced during Event
- Presenting Sponsor of the 4th Annual Paintball Tournament
- One Team (10 players)
- Prominent Sponsorship recognition in event-dedicated website with Sponsor’s logo and link
to the Sponsor’s commercial website
- Presenting Sponsor of the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing
at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium and four (4) tickets to the event - Presenting Sponsor (Industry Exclusive) of the Annual Sheriff’s Cup Golf Tournament and Awards (April, 2024) and includes:
- Sponsor logo on all golf carts
- Sponsor logo on tee markers
- Two Foursomes
- Trivia Tee sign recognition on all signs on 36 holes
- Prominent Foundation Champion Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter
- Prominent Foundation Champion Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation Lapel Pins
- Four (4) Foundation Membership Window Decals
Diamond Presenter $15,000 Donation
Benefits included:
- Large commemorative Diamond-Level plaque featuring SFBC’s coveted “Medallion” presented by the Sheriff at an exclusive reception
- Prominent Diamond Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo and link to the Sponsor’s commercial website
- Diamond Sponsorship recognition with prominent large logo in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- Presenting Sponsor of the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium and four (4) tickets to the event
- “Sheriff for a Day” or “Firefighter for a Day” (pass for four) which includes special designation from Sheriff Gregory Tony and a tour of the agency
- Presenting Sponsor (Industry Exclusive) of the 10th Annual Sheriff’s Cup Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon with naming rights and includes:
- Sponsor logo on all golf carts
- Sponsor logo on tee markers
- Two Foursomes
- Trivia Tee sign recognition on all signs on 36 holes
- Prominent Diamond Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter
- Prominent Diamond Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation Lapel Pins
- Four (4) Foundation Membership Window Decals
Platinum Partner $10,000 Donation
- Large commemorative Platinum-Level plaque featuring SFBC’s coveted “Medallion” presented by the Sheriff at an exclusive reception
- Prominent Platinum Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo and link to the Sponsor’s commercial website
- Platinum Sponsorship recognition with prominent large logo in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- Presenting Sponsor of the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium and four (4) tickets to the event
- Presenting Sponsor of quarterly “by-invitation-only” Sheriff’s Foundation Academy events showcasing Broward Sheriff’s Office crime-fighting equipment, personnel and training (such as SWAT, K-9 Unit, Crime Lab, etc.) with priority allocation of sponsor and up to three (3) guests at each quarterly event
- Hospitality Sponsor of the 9th Annual Sheriff’s Cup Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon to be in held at the Weston Hills Country Club:
- Sponsor announced as host of RE-MAX Long Drive Champion
- Company sponsorship of the Straightest Drive, Longest Drive or Closest to the Pin contest.
- Sponsor promotional material provided to all golfers
- One foursome
- Trivia Tee sign recognition on 9 holes
- Prominent Platinum Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter
- Prominent Platinum Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation shirts
- Four (4) Foundation Lapel Pins
- Four (4) Foundation Membership Window Decals
Gold Partner $5,000 Donation
- Commemorative Gold-Level plaque presented by the Sheriff at an exclusive reception
- Gold Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo and link to the Sponsor’s website
- Gold Sponsorship recognition with logo in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- Two (2) tickets to the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium
- Priority allocation of sponsor and up to two (2) guests at each “by-invitation-only” Sheriff’s Foundation Academy quarterly event showcasing Broward Sheriff’s Office crime-fighting equipment, personnel and training (such as SWAT, K-9 Unit, Crime Lab, etc.)
- Gold Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter.
- Birdie Sponsor of the Annual Sheriff’s Cup Golf Tournament and Awards Luncheon to be held in April, 2024:
- Company logo on (2) cart path stamps
- One Foursome
- Gold Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- Two (2) Foundation shirts
- Two (2) Foundation Lapel Pins
- Two (2) Foundation Membership Window Decals
Silver Partner $3,000 Donation
- Commemorative Silver-Level plaque presented by the Sheriff at an exclusive reception
- Silver Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo
- Silver Sponsorship recognition in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- One (1) ticket to the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium
- Priority allocation of sponsor and up to one (1) guest at each “by-invitation-only” Sheriff’s Foundation Academy quarterly event showcasing Broward Sheriff’s Office crime-fighting equipment, personnel and training (such as SWAT, K-9 Unit, Crime Lab, etc.).
- Silver Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter
- One Foursome
- Trivia Tee sign recognition on one (1) hole
- Silver Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- One (1) Foundation shirt
- One (1) Foundation Lapel Pin
- Two (2) Foundation Membership Window Decals
Bronze Partner $1,000 Donation
- Bronze Sponsorship recognition in SFBC’s website with Sponsor’s logo
- Bronze Sponsorship recognition in all signage and marketing materials relating to SFBC events
- One (1) ticket to the “by-invitation-only” 2024 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium.
- Exclusive invitation to “by-invitation-only” Sheriff’s Foundation Academy events showcasing Broward Sheriff’s Office crime-fighting equipment and personnel such as SWAT, K-9 Unit, Crime Lab, etc.) attendance to be allocated on a “first-come- first-served” basis
- Bronze Sponsorship recognition in the Foundation’s quarterly digital newsletter
- Bronze Sponsorship recognition on the 2023-2024 Foundation shirts
- One (1) Foundation shirt
- One (1) Foundation Lapel Pin
- One (1) Foundation Membership Window Decal
Foundation Ambassador $500 Donation
- One (1) Foundation shirt
- One (1) Foundation Lapel Pin
- One (1) Foundation Membership Window Decal
- One (1) ticket to the “by-invitation-only” 2023 Foundation Sheriff’s Briefing held at the Broward
- Sheriff’s Office Command Auditorium.
- Exclusive invitation for the individual member to “by-invitation-only” Sheriff’s Foundation Academy events showcasing Broward Sheriff’s Office crime-fighting equipment, personnel and training (such as SWAT, K-9, Crime Lab, etc.) attendance to be allocated on a “first-come-first-served” basis